Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Friday, 8 January 2016


The last time I had written anything personal on Blogger, was back in the good ol' days 2008, which were filled with cringe 'selcas' taken on webcam with some strange filter and polka dot clip on bows from Supre. It's 2016 now, and times have changed, i'm no longer a 13 year old girl rocking razor cut bangs, but a 21 year old woman who laughs a bit too much with excessive amounts of black clothes. I have no idea how this post is going to word out, as yet again there are so many things i want to talk about, but are so physically hard to type out. I might not even publish this post, or maybe i will, we'll see. Reflecting back, I really miss the days where i was full of passion for art and writing, when everything wasn't so serious and stressful, but hey thats what happens when you dwell into adulthood.  I've never really compiled a news years resolution list or anything, because writing a list used to stress me out, unless it was a groceries list, because having no tissues when you're having sneezing allergy fits are far more stressful. Anyway's, it's a fresh new year now and I feel that this year I'm ready to commit to myself.

  1. To be quite honest, i'm actually procrastinating right now writing this - I should really be writing up some resumes and doing my pilates work out, but hey.
  2. Procrastinating less would be great.
  3. I really want to move out this year, having my own space to breathe would be absolutely freeing.
  4. In saying that, i need money, meaning i need a part time job.
  5. Now, i'm saying that i need start job hunting real soon.
  6. Start up blogging again, and to get into the habit of writing and posting every few days.
  7. Now this is the most exciting thing, start up a Youtube channel .
  8. Being more motivated, which is a big issue i struggle with - i want to be able to wake up in the morning, to feel motivated to carry out my day and to not spend the day wrapped up in my bed thinking "i wish i was more motivated".
  9. Working towards seeing the positive aspects in things, and pushing negative vibes away.
  10. Also, working towards being happy with myself. 
I would say the 'list' isn't complete or final just yet, just a few things i have been thinking about these past few days. I don't even feel this is a list, i'm just figuring things out. So to whoever is reading this, i hope 2016 treats you well. 